Hi there 👋
I'm JD, a web developer, currently buiding web stuff with JavaScript.
This is my personal site where I drop notes about things that I am interested in. Those can include my thoughts about the tech I'm using, introductions to tech that I think would be of interest to others, or just some tricks that I dicover in my job. While the notes reflect my opinions at the time of writing, things will inevitably change so they could be completely different from mine at present.
I also share the tools I use in case you're curious.
If you'd like to get in touch with me 💬, I'm on twitter ⇗ and linkedin ⇗.
If you like something you read here, please feel free to share it and let me know 🙏. I'm open for discussions too 🙌.
##Recent posts
JavaScript - find words that can be typed on one keyboard row
May 04, 2020
Example usage of array methods `some`, `every`, `filter`